Legal - Intellectual Property


Knottia THE ORIGINAL KNOT拥有专利,并在包括中国在内的多个国家拥有法律团队。假冒和侵权产品将被举报。我们将对侵犯我们知识产权的卖家采取法律行动,并向适当的机构报告。我们公司或我们的知识产权保险公司可能会就知识产权相关纠纷与您联系。本店页面上显示的所有内容(包括图像和文本)均受版权保护,归 Knottia THE ORIGINAL KNOT 所有。您不得使用、复制或发布此内容到任何公共或私人网站或其他出版物。  


Knottia THE ORIGINAL KNOT is Patented and has legal teams in various countries. Counterfeit and infringing products will be reported to Amazon. We will take legal action against sellers who infringe on our intellectual property including reporting to the appropriate government agency and litigation. All content including images and text on the Knottia THE ORIGINAL KNOT Amazon storefront and company website is copyrighted and owned by Knottia THE ORIGINAL KNOT. You may not use, reproduce, or post this content to any public or private website or other publication.